Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Law banning items from rearview mirrors is being rethought"

This article, by Matt Helms, is about lessening the Michigan ban on objects hanging from the rearview mirror. Since most people ignore the law in the first place, Michigan lawmakers are thinking about allowing small items to be hung from the mirror as long as they do not block the driver's view. Some people were just ignorant of the law: "'I thought it was legal as long as it's not something that obstructs your view.'" I like this quote because I too was unaware that there was a law banning items on the rearview mirror. I have always seen people hang different items from their mirrors, so it would have never occurred to me that it is illegal. I understand why the ban is in place, but as long as someone is not going overboard with the fuzzy dice and air fresheners, I think people should be allowed to hang small items. If it is not impairing their driving, I do not have a problem with it. I support the compromise of allowing small items to hang from the rearview mirror.

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